All foreign nationals who intend to sign on or sign off a vessel in the Philippines are required to hold either a Seaman’s Visa (for signing on) or Crew List Visa (for signing off) to do so.
A. 海員簽證 Seaman’s Visa
海員簽證是發給打算進入菲律賓只是為了加入或簽約成為停靠在該國的船舶的受僱船員的海員。海員簽證有效期為簽發之日起三(3)個月,並允許持有者最多可以在菲律賓逗留停留二十一 (21) 天。
The Seaman’s Visa is issued to a seafarer who intend to enter the Philippines solely to join or sign-on as an employed crew member of a vessel docked in the country. The Seaman’s Visa is valid for three (3) months from date of issuance and allows the holder to stay in the Philippines for a maximum of twenty-one (21) days.
申請海員簽證需要準備的資料 Requirements
為簽發海員簽證,請看如下需要準備的標準資料。請注意若有必要,MECO 保留要求申請者提交補充資料的權利。
Please see below for the standard requirements for the issuance of a Seaman’s Visa. Kindly note that MECO reserves the right to request additional documents when necessary.
1 |
申請書 (Duly Accomplished Visa Application Form) |
2 |
護照有效期起碼要有6個月以上-正本及影本 (Passport valid for at least six (6) months from the date of entry - Original and Photocopy of Data Page) |
3 |
台灣身分證與外籍居留證正反面的正本及影本 Taiwan I.D. and Alien Resident Certificate (Original and Photocopy of Front and Back Sides) |
4 |
航班行程 Flight itinerary |
5 |
雇主或勞務派遣公司的信函,說明申請者將工作的船舶以及申請者將登船的菲律賓港口。 Letter from employer or manning agency stating the vessel where the applicant will work and the Philippine port where the applicant will board the vessel. |
6 |
申請者與雇主/船舶的就業契約 Employment Contract between the Applicant and the Employer/Vessel |
7 |
申請簽證費 (Visa Application Fee) – TWD800.00 - 現金 (In Cash) *加急費 (Expedite Fee) – TWD800.00 - 現金 (In Cash) |
B. 船員或機組人員名單簽證 Crew List Visa
A Crew List visa is issued to the entire crew of a registered vessel or aircraft docking or landing in the Philippines. Personnel on the aircraft or vessel whose names are not included in the crew list visa or not possessing a valid individual Philippine entry visa will not be allowed to enter the Philippines.
申請船員或機組人員名單簽證需要準備的資料 Requirements
Please see below for the standard requirements for the issuance of a Crew List Visa. Kindly note that MECO reserves the right to request additional documents when necessary.
1 |
一份每名海員填寫的非移民簽證的申請書 One (1) Set Each of the FA Form 2 Visa Application Forms as Accomplished by Each of the Crew • 需要附上外籍船員的護照照片 (Passport-sized photo of the foreign crew is required to be attached.) |
2 |
三份船員或機組人員名單簽證 Three (3) Sets of the FA Form 61 • 請填寫旅程詳情以及列出所有外籍船員 (Please enter the details of the journey and list all foreign crew members.) |
3 |
一份外籍船員的護照信息頁影本 One (1) Photocopy the Passport Data Page of the Each of the Foreign Crew • 護照有效期應該至少有6個月,從預計船舶離開菲律賓的日期算起(The passport should have a validity of at least six (6) months from the date of estimated departure of the vessel from the Philippines) |
4 |
船東簽署的信函,要求為船舶的外籍船員簽發船員名單簽證,以及提供如下詳細信息 Signed letter from the vessel owner requesting the issuance of a crew list visa for the vessel’s foreign crew, with the following details: a. 船長的姓名 name of the Vessel Master / Captain; b. 經授權的船隻代理 the authorized ship agent; c. 抵達菲律賓的日期和港口 date and port of arrival in the Philippines; d. 在菲律賓的停留時間 length of stay in the Philippines; e. 在菲律賓的地址 address while in the Philippines; and f. 離開菲律賓的目的地 destination after the Philippines. · 請使用船運公司的正式信紙 Please use the official letter head of the shipping company. · 如適用信函必須附有附件,顯示船隻多次停靠港口的相關信息 The letter must be supported with attachments showing the relevant information on the vessel’s multiple port calls, where applicable.
5 |
進入菲律賓時指揮船舶的船長的護照信息頁影本 One (1) Photocopy of the Passport Data Page of the Vessel Master / Captain who will be commanding the vessel when it enters the Philippines. • 護照有效期應該至少有6個月,從船隻離開菲律賓的日期算起The passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of departure from the Philippines. |
6 |
進入菲律賓時指揮船舶的船長的海員證影本 One (1) Photocopy of the Seaman’s Record Book of the Vessel Master / Captain who will be commanding the vessel when it enters the Philippines. • 海員證/海事證書紀錄的影本,必須顯示最新紀錄的那一頁 The copy of the Seaman’s Record Book / maritime credentials record must show the page with the latest log entry. |
7 |
船舶登記簿顯示船名,正式編號(IMO)和規格細節的影本 One (1) Photocopy of the Vessel Register Showing the Vessel’s Name, Official Number (IMO) and Specification Particulars |
8 |
簽證費用 Payment of Visa Fee a. 1 - 40 船員 crew members - TWD5,000.00 b. 41 - 100 船員 crew members - TWD7,000.00 c. 101 - 200 船員 crew members - TWD9,000.00 d. over 200 船員 crew members - TWD12,000.00
船員或機組人員名單簽證申請指南 Guidelines for Crew List Visa Application
• 海員或機組人員名單簽證書的MS Excel格式可在此處下載。所有信息應該直接輸入MS Excel格式的船員或機組人員名單簽證申請書,不得手寫在打印的表上。The Crew List Visa application form is available for download here in MS Excel format. All information shall be entered directly into the MS Excel format of the crew list visa application form and not written on the printed copy of the form.
• 經授權的當地代理可完成船員或機組人員名單簽證申請 An authorized Local Agent may accomplish the Crew List Visa application.
• 關於船長 As regards the Vessel Master / Captain:
o 在任何情況下,請船員或機組人員名單簽證都必須使用船長的護照,即使船長已經持有有效的菲律賓簽證,或是菲律賓國民。His/her passport must be used for the Crew List Visa application in all instances, even if the Vessel Master / Captain is already in possession of a valid Philippine visa or is a Filipino national;
o 他/她必須審閲船員或機組人員名單簽證申請書的印本,以及在3份的F部份(船長聲明)上親自簽字。 S/he must review the printed copies of the Crew List Visa application form and affix his live signature on Section F (Declaration of Captain / Master) of the 3 printed copies;
o 他/她無需要親自到本處執行/簽字簽證申請書。 S/he does not need to personally appear at the MECO Office to execute/sign the visa application form.
• 完成的船員或機組人員名單簽證申請數字文件(船長完成的實際MS Excel文件)必須通過電子郵件發送至MECO簽證服務部 (visa@meco.org.tw)。 郵件主題註明 “船員或機組人員名單簽證申請” 。The accomplished digital file of the Crew List Visa application (the actual MS Excel file as accomplished by the Vessel Master / Captain) must be emailed to MECO Visa Services (visa@meco.org.tw) with the subject line “CREW LIST VISA APPLICATION”.
• 經授權的當地代理人必須攜帶3份已完成申請書前往MECO台北,台中或高雄辦事處,以及在領事官員面前簽字。領事官員隨後將對代理人的簽名進行公正。公證費用為TWD 1,000.00, 若需要加急辦理,需另加TWD 200.00。 The authorized Local Agent must bring the three (3) printed copies of the accomplished form to the MECO Office in Taipei, Taichung, or Kaohsiung and sign the form before a Consular Officer. The Consular Officer shall thereafter notarize the agent’s signature. Notarization costs TWD1,000.00 and for expedited processing, an additional TWD200.00 is required.
• 當地代理人應該提交公正的簽證申請書和所有所需文件提交給簽證櫃檯辦理。The Local Agent shall submit the notarized visa application form and all documentary requirements at the Visa Counter for processing.
• 辦理時間為5個工作日 Processing takes five (5) business days.