1. 請確保旅客的護照在入境菲律賓時,效期至少有效六個月以上。Kindly ensure that the passport of the traveler is valid for at least six (6) months upon entry to the Philippines.
2. 本處建議簽證持有人應在簽證有效期內旅行。在入境時簽證有效日不可過期。Visa holders are advised to travel within the validity period of the visa. The visa should not have expired on the date of entry.
3. 請檢查簽證信息並確認簽證上所顯示的資料都正確。Please review the visa details and confirm the accuracy of all the information reflected on the visa.
4. 菲律賓移民局會要求旅客出示回程機票,回程機票的日期取決於簽證上顯示的允許在該國停留的期限。對於大多數在護照上實施的貼紙簽證,在菲律賓的最長停留時間為五十九 (59) 天,但過境簽證持有者除外,他們只允許在菲律賓停留七十二 (72) 小時。對於 ETA 持有者,允許的停留時間為三十 (30) 天。The Philippine Bureau of Immigration will require the presentation of a return air ticket, the date of which would depend on the allowable duration of stay in the country as reflected on the visa. For most sticker visas implemented on the passport, the maximum duration of stay in the Philippines is fifty-nine (59) days, except for transit visa holders who are only allowed to stay in the Philippines for maximum of seventy-two (72) hours. For ETA holders, the allowable stay is thirty (30) days.
5. 若旅客在菲律賓移民局被列入黑名單或被禁止入境,本處建議旅客去菲律賓之前,先向菲律賓移民局申請解除不良記錄。Should the traveler been the subject of a Blacklist Order or an Exclusion Order from the Philippine Bureau of Immigration, the traveler is advised to have the derogatory record lifted first by the Philippine Bureau of Immigration before going to the Philippines.
6. 入境旅客必須通過菲律賓電子旅遊系統進行登記。 此登記系統是免費的。Incoming travelers are required to register through the Philippine eTravel System. Registration to the system is free of charge.
7. 自2023年7月起,所有入境菲律賓的旅客的疫苗接種以及檢測要求已經解除了。入境時不再需要出示疫苗接種證明和陽性檢測結果。As of July 2023, the vaccination and testing requirements for all arriving travelers have been lifted. Vaccination certificates and negative test results are no longer required to be presented upon entry.
檢查簽證 Sticker Visa Guide