Group Visa - Single Entry Group Visa
團體簽證- 單次入境團體簽證
The Single Entry Group Visa is only available to accredited Taiwanese travel agents offering group tour packages to the Philippines. The Group Visa is valid for three (3) months and holders are generally entitled to a fifty-nine (59)-day stay in the Philippines.
需要準備的資料 Requirements
在提交如下的資料後, 台灣旅行社可以代表團隊申請團體簽證:
A Taiwanese travel agency may apply for a group visa on behalf of the group upon submission of the following documents:
A | 台灣旅行社的注冊證明 Registration Documents of the Taiwanese Travel Agency, as follows: |
| 1. 台灣政府發布的公司執照 Business License issued by the Appropriate Government Agency in Taiwan |
| 2. 公司保證書 – 正本 (範例請參考此處) (Original Letter of Guarantee - See Template Here) |
B | 菲律賓旅行社的註冊證明 Registration Documents of the Philippine Travel Agency, as follows: |
| 1. 以一般信息表的形式向菲律賓證券交易委員會提交的公司執照 Business License in the Form of the General Information Sheet filed with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission |
| 2. 菲律賓觀光部門的認可證 Accreditation from the Philippine Department of Tourism |
| 3. 菲律賓公司最新地方政府的許可證 Up-to-Date Business Permit from the Concerned Local Government Unit |
C | 台灣與菲律賓旅行社的契約 (Contract between the Taiwan and Philippine Travel Agencies) • 除其他外, 契約應 |
完成下面的資料後,台灣旅行社才可以提交團體簽證申請。 關於團體簽證申請, 旅行社應該提交如下:Upon completion of the requirements listed below, the Taiwanese travel agency may now submit group visa applications. For the group visa application, travel agents shall submit:
1 | Checklist of Group Visa Application | |
2 | 3份團體簽證申請書 Group Tour Visa Application Form Accomplished in Triplicate • 可向本處免費索取申請書Forms may be requested from MECO offices, free of charge | |
3 | 團體旅遊者的有效護照 Valid Passports of the Travelers Included in the Group and Photocopies of Bio-Data Page | |
4 | 台灣身分證, 正反面影本 Taiwan ID - Front and Back - Photocopy | |
5 | 旅遊行程 Itinerary of the Trip | |
6 | 1-9 位旅客Travelers – TWD1,200.00 (每位旅客 per Traveler) 10 位或以上旅客Travelers – TWD960.00 (每位旅客 per Traveler) 加急費Expedite Fee – TWD100.00 (每位旅客 per Traveler) | |
其他要求 (Additional Requirements) | ||
未滿15歲,有父母或指定家長之一陪同旅遊者 (Travelers Less than 15 Years Old, Traveling with at least One (1) Parent | ||
a | 戶口名薄 或 戶籍謄本 影本 (Household Registration Certificate or Household Registration Transcript Photocopy) 備注:如離婚,單親,戶口名薄或謄本上必須顯示孩子的撫養權及監護權,完整記事及相關信息。 (Note: For children whose parents are divorced, the custody and guardianship rights should be reflected on the certificate or transcript.) | |
未滿15歲,沒有父母陪同旅遊者 (Travelers Less than 15 Years Old, Not Traveling with at least One (1) Parent | ||
a | 宣誓書影本 (Affidavit of Consent and Request for Waiver Exclusion Ground Application - Photocopy) 備注: 請確保宣誓書上的信息是正確的,跟家長護照詳情一致。若需要更多信息,請看此處。 (Note: Please ensure that the information in the form is accurate, based on the details reflected on the parent’s passport. For more details, please see here. ) | |
b | 戶口名薄或戶籍謄本英文版的影本 (English Version of Household Registration Certificate or Household Registration Transcript - Photocopy) 備注:如離婚,名薄或謄本上必須顯示孩子的撫養權及監護權 (Note: For children whose parents are divorced, the custody and guardianship rights should be reflected on the certificate or transcript.) | |
Kindly note that MECO reserves the right to request additional documents when necessary.