Manila Economic and Cultural Office

Manila Economic and Cultural Office Philippine Representative Office in Taiwan

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Manila Economic and Cultural Office

Manila Economic and Cultural Office Philippine Representative Office in Taiwan

Re-Acquisition or Retention of Philippine Citizenship



Under R.A. No. 9225, otherwise known as the Citizenship Retention and Re-Acquisition Act of 2003, natural-born Filipinos who have been naturalized as Taiwanese nationals or citizens of a foreign country may retain or re-acquire their Philippine citizenship.





Duly accomplished R.A. 9225 Data Sheet


Certificate of Naturalization or in lieu thereof, Certificate of Nationality 準規化中華民國國籍證明書 – 5 Copies (1 original; 4 photocopies)

·       Request Household Registration Office for English Version (Not Translation) 戶政事務所發的英文版

·       ALL copies should be notarized by the Local District Court and authenticated by the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) 都需要經過 當地地方法院  民間公證人 公證  外交部 領事局 認證


PSA Birth Certificate 菲律賓出生證明 – 6 Copies (1 original; 5 photocopies)

If Birth Certificate is not clear or illegible, secure a Record/Certification of Birth from the office of the Local Civil Registrar of place of birth


PSA Marriage Certificate 菲律賓結婚證明 – 6 Copies (1 original; 5 photocopies)


Five (5) Photocopies of the last/cancelled Philippine Passport (data-page) 菲律賓護照


Five (5) Photocopies of R.O.C. Passport (data-page) 中華民國護照


Two (2) colored front view photo (2x2) with royal/light blue background and a clear view of applicant’s face taken within the last three (3) months before the date of application (no eyewear, headgear, etc.)


One (1) photocopy of English Version of Household Registration Transcript with full remarks 戶籍謄本 – 英文版


One (1) photocopy of Oath of Renunciation


One (1) photocopy of any Philippine Government issued IDs (SSS/UMID, PhilHealth Card, Driver’s License, Postal ID, NBI) with contact information (for passport reference)


MECO may require submission of additional documents on a case-by-case basis to determine the applicant’s current nationality, identity, legal status and/or eligibility to re-acquire citizenship under Philippine laws.


For a more seamless processing of transactions, clients are encouraged to book their appointments in advance here.



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q: In my application for the Reacquisition of my Philippine citizenship, do I need to have my Certificate of Naturalization from the Household Registration Office authenticated?

A: Yes. For purposes of the application for the Reacquisition of Philippine citizenship, the five (5) copies of the Certificate of Naturalization from the Household Registration Office need to be notarized by a Taiwan Notary Public and authenticated by Taiwan’s Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA, MOCA).


Q: I previously obtained a Certificate of Naturalization from the Household Registration Office for the renunciation of my Philippine citizenship. Now that I am applying for the reacquisition of my Philippine citizenship, can I use the same Certificate of Naturalization in my application?

A:   Yes. The same English version of the Certificate of Naturalization presented for the application for Renunciation of Philippine citizenship may be used in the application for the Reacquisition of your Philippine citizenship. Five (5) copies of the Certificate of Naturalization shall be submitted and the same should be notarized by the same Taiwan Notary Public and the same officer from the Taiwan Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA, MOFA). The notary public, the seal/stamp of the relevant district court, and the authenticating officer of the Taiwan Bureau of Consular Affairs should be consistent across all the sets of documents.


Q:  How much will I spend for the Reacquisition of my Philippine citizenship?

A:   Processing fees shall depend on the circumstances of the person reacquiring his/her Philippine citizenship. Please see our schedule of fees here to approximate the costs.