In compliance with the directive from the Office of the President, Republic of the Philippines, please be advised that the Manila Economic and Cultural Office will implement a temporary ban on travel to the Philippines of any person, regardless of nationality, except Philippine citizens (including dual citizens) and holders of permanent resident visa issued by the Republic of the Philippines, who has travelled to Mainland China, Hong Kong, or Macau within twenty-one (21) days before his/her expected date of arrival in the Philippines (the “Temporary Ban on Travel”).
The Processing of Multiple Entry Visa (“MEV”) applications into the Philippines shall be suspended effective 08 February 2020 until further notice. MEVs issued after 08 February 2020 will not be honored at any port of entry in the Philippines.
The following additional requirements shall be imposed upon visa applicants effective 08 February 2020:
A. A Taiwan national applying for a visa to enter the Philippines shall be required to submit, in addition to the current requirements, the entry and exit record issued by the National Immigration Agency of Taiwan which shall reflect his/her travel history or Entry and Exit records. The Entry and Exit Record must contain the following:
1. Complete name of the Taiwan national;
2. Taiwan ID Number;
3. Dates of entry to and exit from Taiwan; and
4. Countries visited twenty-one (21) days preceding last entry to Taiwan.
Failure to secure and submit the Entry and Exit Record may result in the outright disapproval or denial of the application for visa without refund of the processing fee.
For ease of entry into the Philippines, Taiwan nationals may present the Entry and Exit Record to the Philippine Bureau of Immigration upon entry.
B. For all other foreign nationals, MECO visa staff and approving authorities shall check the entry and exit stamps on the applicants’ passport to ensure compliance with the Temporary Ban on Travel. The visa staff may also ask some questions in connection with the applicant's travel history and medical conditions.
C. When applying for an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA), the applicant shall be required to answer the following:
Notice: Failure of the applicant to honestly and accurately answer the question below shall be meted with serious consequences, including but not limited to, outright denial of future visa applications to the Philippines. The Applicant has not travelled to Mainland China, Hong Kong, or Macau, regardless of the period of stay, within twenty-one (21) days before the expected date of arrival in the Philippines. O Travelled O Not Travelled |
A "Travelled" answer shall mean an automatic denial of the application for Electronic Travel Authority.
Further, the e-mail to the applicant shall also reflect as follows:
Notice: Taiwan nationals may be subjected to secondary inspection by the Philippine Bureau of Immigration. For ease of entry into the Philippines, Taiwan nationals may present the Entry and Exit Record issued by the National Immigration Agency of Taiwan to the Philippine immigration authorities. |
For questions or clarifications please call 02 2658 8825 ext. 712, 713, & 709.
自2020年2月8日起,申辦紙本簽證需準備下列文件 :
1. 申請者的中英文全名
2. 身分證字號
3. 入出境臺灣之日期,及
4. 21天內曾前往的國家名稱
B. 對於所有其他國籍人士,MECO簽證組將檢查申請人護照上的出入境戳章,以確保符合《臨時旅行禁令》的規定。 簽證組也將與您進行面談,向您詢問近期旅行史和醫療狀況等相關問題。
C. 申辦電子旅遊許可(電子簽)時,申請者須回答下列問題:
注意: 請據實回答以下問題,若您申報不實,將會影響您未來申請簽證的權益,或終生不得入境菲律賓 您是否在預計抵達菲律賓的前21日有中國、香港或澳門地區旅遊史或於當地轉機 O Travelled O Not Travelled
有 無 |
注意: 台灣旅客在入境菲律賓時,移民局官員將與您進行面談審核;為方便您入境菲律賓,旅客可向內政部移民署申請一個月內入出境日期地點紀錄以備查 |
若有相關問題請洽 02-2658-8825 分機 712, 713 及709